Monday, 3 June 2013

Holistic Home Remedies: Home Treatment for Gastritis

Gastritis is a troublesome condition which gives rise to many complications if not treated in time. Natural remedies for gastritis is far better option as popping pills and splurging on antacid gels bring momentary respite, till the body becomes resistant to their effects.
Anybody who has experienced common stomach problems such as gas, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, belching, abdominal pain, heartburn and gastritis knows how miserable one feels during the attacks. These problems recur and become chronic after a few bouts, bringing in more complex attacks.
Are you a long time sufferer of the condition, and having tried all the conventional treatments without any success, if you are desperately looking for some alternative medicine as the last resort?
Ayurveda made extensive use of aloe vera for effective treatment of stomach ailments. Aloe vera juice aids the digestion and absorption of nutrients, and the anti-inflammatory fatty acids in aloe alkalize the digestive juices and prevent acidity which is a common cause of indigestion.
To know about total holistic approach for treating gastritis disease visit: Natural Gastritis Treatment Approach
The most frequent causes which lead to gastritis are over eating, excessive intake of alcohol or other dietary indiscretion. Here are some of the best home remedies for gastritis cure.
1. Have plenty of water and juices, especially lemon juice laced with a pinch of salt. It is an effective home remedy.
2. Drinking water gives immediate relief to symptoms like distended stomach and gas.
3. A teaspoon of carom seeds with a little rock salt is a good remedy for this ailment.
4. Chewing a small piece of fresh ginger with salt, five to ten minutes before meals, stimulates digestion. It is also a good remedy for gastritis.
5. Go for a 30 minutes’ walk.
Home remedies and herbal concoctions can help, but you should exercise some amount of caution and healthy skepticism when using these remedies, as not all of them are scientifically proven.
Mild gastritis does not require any intensive treatment regimen or medical attention. Home treatments with over natural remedies for gastritis and lifestyle modifications can be extremely effective. Lifestyle and diet modifications are a prerequisite to any treatment plan and are recommended by doctors as well.
Gastritis is the term used to describe various conditions that lead to inflammation of the stomach lining. In most cases this inflammation occurs due to bacteria. The same bacteria are also involved in the development of stomach ulcers. There can be other triggers of gastritis as well such as intake of certain medications, excessive alcohol consumption and injury. Gastritis may be acute, in which case there is a sudden onset, or it can be chronic and may develop gradually over a period of time. Some individuals may go on to develop stomach ulcers due to gastritis. In most cases though, gastritis is not very serious and can be treated easily.
The common gastritis symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and burning pain in the abdomen. The pain may either lessen or become worse after meals, indigestion, and a sensation of fullness after meals. In many cases gastritis may be asymptomatic. Stomach trouble and indigestion are common conditions that affect almost all of us from time to time. At most times, these conditions are mild and subside quickly.
Causes of Gastritis: the symptoms of gastritis occur when the lining that protects the stomach gets damaged. This lining is composed of a mucus membrane barrier that protects the stomach against damage from exposure to the digestive acids within. These gastric acids aid in the digestion of food, but when the barrier gets damaged or becomes weak, the digestive acids cause inflammation and damage to the stomach lining. This can occur on account of several conditions. However if you experience gastritis symptoms for more than a week, it is advisable to consult your doctor. It is also essential to seek prompt medical care if you start vomiting blood or notice bloody discharge in the stools.
But it is now possible to not just reduce your pain, but to eliminate the pain completely, forever…. Without drugs, surgery or a list of foods a mile long you can’t eat.

Natural Remedies For Gastritis


    Hi dear readers,
    Today,I would like to tell story of how I suffered from a 7 years bareness of FIBROID and how I was cured in less than a month by a Herbalist in Africa Dr.Akpu power
    First thing first, let me introduce myself. I'm LUCY HARDEN , 38 years, lives in Chicago .
    This is my story
    Many couples are faced with the issues not conceiving many years,after marriage and this sometimes puts a strain on the union.
    However,the patient ones are sometimes rewarded. i faced embarrassing questions from friends and family after marriage for years without a child
    Unknown to them that I was battling with fibroid that I have to removed before being able to conceive.
    Just when my husband decided to take me to a surgery for fibroids,after trying lots of medical prescription but nothing positive could show up. I was seriously looking for means and I thought about Herbs, when my friend Rose told me to try Dr. Akpu power herbal medicine as a power doctor that helped her cure her daughter from Herpes. Luckily for me during my search for my fibroid remedy,I came across a testimony of a lady who was born with HIV, that doctor Akpu helped cured and I was touched if I could have applied it might have work for me before now. This same Herbalist i was directed to some months ago by my friend who he cured his 18 years daughter from Herpes had been so powerful behind my knowledge.
    I told my husband about what I saw and he said I should contact him and try his medicine.
    When I copied the mail and wrote to him,we spoke and explained my problem to him. He said I shouldn't cry any more, I should testify to the world and those who mocked at my barrenness that I'm pregnant.
    I quickly requested for his Medicine , and he prepared and sent it for me with details of how to use.
    His medicine are very effective. And it also boosts up my immune system.
    I did as instructed and after a couple of months I went for the second test when I lost my habitat again,I thought I was fibroid positive again ,my husband took me to the hospital and my Dr. Confirmed me 3 weeks pregnant, Fibroid negative.
    That blows my mind!
    I had just conceive. I'm a mother of twice now. A boy and a girl.
    Please help me praise God for opening my eyes to see who directed me to Dr.Akpu power of Africa.
    You should contact him his live at his home or @
    Phone no(WhatsApp): +234 8079594617
    He had successfully cured people from
    Kidney/liver failure
    Poison/ cartridge infection
    Try as much as you can contact this man,for cure or information to your health challenges.
    Don't forget

    1. Doc, Chukwu Madu herbal home. You are so great sir, I am cured from HIV/AIDS Virus through the help of your mighty herbs. It happened as you said, you never let me down sir I was tested HIV/aids Negative 5 days ago right here in my Country same hospital that tested me positive some months ago. I didn't accept at the first time you saved me from death Sir DR CHUKWU MADU HERBAL HOME, with your herbs.Thank you so much sir. If you are going through any of this virus or infection reach this great herbalist on his personal email:[ ] or WhatsApp him via +2347030936239. He will save you.
      Thanks: my name 'DUNURAI WAYAN' From CHINA

  2. Doc, Chukwu Madu herbal home. You are so great sir, I am cured from HIV/AIDS Virus through the help of your mighty herbs. It happened as you said, you never let me down sir I was tested HIV/aids Negative 5 days ago right here in my Country same hospital that tested me positive some months ago. I didn't accept at the first time you saved me from death Sir DR CHUKWU MADU HERBAL HOME, with your herbs.Thank you so much sir. If you are going through any of this virus or infection reach this great herbalist on his personal email:[ ] or WhatsApp him via +2347030936239. He will save you.
    Thanks: my name 'DUNURAI WAYAN' From CHINA

  3. I am so happy, i never believe i will be this happy again in life, I was working as an air-holster ( cabin crew ) for Over 4 years but in 2014, i lost my job due to the fact that i tested Positive to Herpes virus (HSV), I never felt sick or have any symptom, till all workers were ask to bring their doctors report, that was how i got tested and i found out that am HSV positive that make me loose my job, because it was considered as an STD and incurable disease, i was so depressed thinking of committing suicide, Till i explain to a friend of mine, who always said to me a problem share is a problem solved, that was how she directed me to Dr Razor, that was how i contacted him and get the medication from this doctor and i got cured for real, I just went back to my work and they also carry out the test to be real sure and i was negative. Please contact this doctor if you are herpes positive or any STD diseases his email is: or you can call or whatsApp his mobile number on +2349065420442.
